A huge thank you to Brittany over at A Day In First Grade for giving me a Versatile Blogger Award! You should definitely check out her cute blog. I am so honored to have been recognized in this bloggy-blog-world by such an awesome teacher. I have really enjoyed sharing ideas and reading all the wonderful blogs out there since I started this little ol’ blog this summer.
Along with accepting this award, there are a few rules to follow. Yay! I love me some rules. Here they are:
*Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
Thank you tons Brittany!
*Share 7 things about yourself.
1. I am starting graduate school in two weeks, and I am quite nervous and excited at the same time. I will be getting a Masters of Education in Classroom Leadership. It sounds so fancy!
2. I love to decorate! Spray paint is my absolute bestie.
3. I am addicted to Tervis Tumblers. I think my husband might intervene soon.
4. I absolutely love teaching the history of the great state of South Carolina, and I love seeing my students enjoying learning about our state.
5. Football season is my favorite time of the year. Although my husband and I pull for rival teams, we still make it work. “We interrupt this marriage to bring you football season!”
6. Dinner conversation at my house usually consists of talk about some sort of technology gadget. I am blessed to have a husband who shares my love for technology. We have decided that instead of stick figures on the back of our car windows, we should put two iPads (mom and dad) and two iPod touch (2 boys) look-alike stickers to represent our family. We are pretty geeky around here!!!
7. Zebra print is my favorite pattern. It just keeps creeping into my house. I have been on the lookout for a zebra print chair to go in my living room since last Christmas when I saw one at Ross and didn’t buy it. Ugh…
*Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs.
Jack of All Trades
3rd Grade’s A Hoot
Fourth Grade Frolics
Michelle’s Math In The Middle
Lesson Plan S.O.S.
Third Grade Rock Star
It’s Not All Flowers and Sausages
Technology Rocks, Seriously
Shepherd’s Shining Stars
Yearn To Learn
I Heart Teaching Elementary
The Teaching Thief
Create Teach Share
Cardigans and Curriculum
Dots N Spots
Check these blogs out. I promise you won’t be let down!