Saturday, July 16, 2011

When You Wish Upon A Wall

One of my favorite websites to use with my students throughout the year is Wallwisher.


Wallwisher serves an online bulletin board that promotes collaboration. I often use it as an activating strategy before a lesson where I will ask my students to respond to a question. I always link my wallwishes to my class website so my students can have easy access to them. You can also just give them the URL from the wall you create.


For example, if they were to click “What is your favorite SC region?”, they would be taken to this page:


When arriving at the page, the students simply click anywhere on the screen to write their answer, A sticky note will come up with a place for their name and a text box to write their answer. They are also able to attach an image. It is really fun to get other teachers and administrators to post to the wall as well. The kids love seeing other people join in from outside of our classroom. When they post an answer, their sticky automatically appears on everyone’s screen.

So how do you get started? Go to, click on Build A Wall, enter your question and voila…you have a wall for your students to wish on!


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